Travel in Sai Kung
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l       Cultural Heritage

n      About SaiKung

u     一、Gain & Lose - The Fung Sui setting of Tiu Chung Chau or Hanging Bell Island (the Golden Bell Hanging from Silk Strings)

u     二、The Unruly Horse Outside the House of Che Kung the Marshal - Che Kung Temple at Ho Chung: From the "Five Tigers from the Mountain" to the Legend of the White Horse

u     三、Drowning was Mistaken for Hanging - Did Someone Really Hang Himself in Tiu Keng Leng?

u     四、Loyalty and Fearless of Sacrifice in an Abyss of Suffering - Footsteps of Dongjiang Guerrilla Force

u     五、The Construction to Meet Public Need - The Building of High Island Reservoir

n       SaiKung Town

n       Antiquities

n       Historic buildings

l       Traveling Routes

n       Land Traveling Route

u     Tin Hau Temple at Fat Tong Mun

u     Clear water Bay Country Park

u     Beaches

u     Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

u     Che Kung Temple at Ho Chung

u     Hebe Haven (Pak Sha Wan)

u     Lions Nature Education Centre

u     Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre

u     Memorial Monuments for Sai Kung Martyrs During World War II

u     Sai Kung Country Park

u     Sheung Yiu Folk Museum

u     Sai Kung Cultural Museum

u     Chong Hing Water Sports Centre

n      Sea Traveling Route

u     Yim Tin Tsai Village and St. Joseph’s Chapel

u     YMCA Wong Yi Chau Youth Camp

u     Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course

u     High Island Reservoir

u     Marine Fish Farm at Sam Mun Tsai of Tai Tau Chau

u     Leung Shuen Wan Tin Hau Temple

u     Jin Island (Tiu Chung Chau)

u     Hung Shing Temple, Kau Sai Chau

u     Kiu Tsui Beach

l       Geo Walk

n       High Island Geo Trail

n       Boat Tour of Sai Kung Islands

n       Lions Nature Education Centre

l       Getting There

l       Publications

l       Photo Sharing

n      Photo Gallery

n      Wall paper

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